Meet us for a glass of wine or two 😊
This year we are also early on and are planning a lot of different dates – here is an overview with all coming events.

Save the Date – SUSHI & WINE Wagram Edition 🍣
The culinary revolution on the Wagram is entering the next round! After the tremendous success last year, the date for 2025 has been set:
On July 19th we will revolutionize the Wagram again! Look forward to an unforgettable evening with Wagram sushi & exquisite wine.
A 6-course sushi menu including wine accompaniment & aperitif awaits you, where tradition meets modernity – a real taste experience!
📅 Secure your place now!
Reservations are now possible at bioweinbau@peter-paradeiser.at

Vino Vibes
Celebrate spring with us! Our Vino Vibes event will usher in the wine spring on the Wagram, there will not only be lounge music and fine wines, but also sparkling, special and sweet ones. Of course, regional delicacies will also be provided. Will you celebrate spring with us?
📍 Biowein Lenhart, Sankt Urban Str.11, Fels am Wagram
🗓 Saturday, May 2nd, 2025 | from 4:00 p.m.
🔗 Reservations: bioweinbau@peter-paradeiser.at
Wine spring on the Wagram
Over 1,200 wines from more than 100 wineries are waiting to be tasted by you! Visit us directly on the Wagram, where our wines are available for tasting in the middle of the vineyards and cellar lanes. A perfect opportunity to learn more about our philosophy and the people behind the wines.
📍 Organic winery Peter Paradeiser, Fels am Wagram
🗓 Saturday, May 3, 2025 | from 10:00 a.m.
🗓 Sunday, May 4, 2025 | from 10:00 a.m.
🔗 Reservations: bioweinbau@peter-paradeiser.at

The winemaker lineup is perfect, we are looking forward to being there on April 25th at the Fontana Golf · Restaurant · Fitness · Event · Living, when 13 exciting wineries offer their around 100 wines for tasting! There will also be wonderful delicacies from award-winning chef Oliver Hoffinger (not included in the entrance fee) and the cool house beats of our DJs Chris Vega and Solandro Soli. Sounds like a great evening? Then get your tickets quickly.
📅 When & Where? 📍 Golf Club Fontana, Oberwaltersdorf
🗓 Friday, April 25th, 2025 | from 6:00 p.m.
🔗 More information and tickets: www.clubvino.at/tickets

Wine & More Landshut
Be there with us!
On April 5th and April 6th, 2025, it’s “Wine & More time” again in Landshut.
Saturday April 5th, 2025 2-8 p.m.
Sunday April 6th, 2025 1-6 p.m.
Will we see you in the Landshut town halls?

VINESSIO – Munich Trade Fair – we’re there again
Last year we were in Munich for the second time at Vinessio – an all-round perfectly organized event with many great visitors, discussions and tastings. That’s why we’re there again this year at the beginning of March. VINESSIO in Munich is one of the largest wine fairs in southern Germany.
The focus is on national and international quality wines, fine spirits, prosecco, sparkling wine and seccos, delicacies, vinegars & oils, sausage and cheese specialties as well as coffee and roasted products. The fair is aimed at private enthusiasts and trade visitors, and invites you to taste, compare and buy from the producer.
Date: Zenith Kulturhalle Saturday, March 8, 2025 from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Sunday, March 9, 2025 from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
More information at: Vinessio Wine Fair Munich – Wine and Delicatessen Fair

Hof Wine Fair
Be there with us! On February 1st, 2025 it’s “wine time” again in Hof.
We’ll have a great time at the 8th Hof Wine Fair. We hereby extend a warm invitation to all wine lovers and of course to all those who want to become one or could
Tickets are available here: https://tinyurl.com/tickets-hoferweinmesse25

🌟🍷 Erding will become a wine paradise with us! 🍷🌟-are you there?
On February 15th and 16th, 2025, the Erding town hall will be transformed into a paradise for everyone who appreciates good wine! 🍇✨ Experience the Erding wine fair with over 200 exquisite wines, great winemakers and exciting stories behind the grape varieties. 🎉 Try wines from all over the world, discover your new favorite wine and enjoy the stylish ambience. 🥂
📅 Date: February 15th and 16th, 2025; Sat, February 15th, 2025, 2-8 p.m. & Sun, February 16th, 2025, 1-6 p.m.
👉 All information & advance tickets are available here: www.stadthalle-erding.de

It’s Vinessio wine fair time again in Fürth
Let’s go to the Vinessio wine fair: Wine lovers will get their money’s worth on November 9th and 10th, 2024 in the Fürth town hall. The popular fair is opening its doors for the 14th time with more than 100 exhibitors this year.
Delicacies such as salami specialties, cheese and truffles will ensure your physical well-being. The special thing about the fair is the direct exchange with the winemakers and producers. Advance admission via the homepage costs 13 euros, tickets at the box office cost 15 euros.
The wine fair begins on both exhibition days, November 9th and 10th, at 12 noon. On Saturday it goes until 7 p.m., on Sunday until 6 p.m.
More information at: www.weinmesse-fuerth.de

It’s wine fair time again in Fürstenfeldbruck
For the third time, the Vinessio Fürstenfeldbruck Wine Fair welcomes wine fans to the Fürstenfeld Event Forum.
On Friday, November 22nd and Saturday, November 23rd, 2024, around 80 exhibitors will be waiting for visitors in the barn with their wines and delicacies. In addition to the fine wines, there are also delicacies such as Italian salamis, cheese specialties and truffles to try and buy. Spirits, sparkling wine and champagne are not to be missed. The special thing about the fairs: visitors borrow a wine glass against a deposit and can then taste, order wines or buy delicacies at the stands to their heart’s content.
Entry costs 13 euros in advance online, tickets at the box office 15 euros.
The wine fair begins on Friday at 2 p.m. and runs until 8 p.m., on Saturday it starts at 12 p.m. and ends at 7 p.m.
More information at: www.weinmesse-fuerstenfeldbruck.de

Endlich wieder – und wir sind dabei – seid ihr schon angemeldet ? 🎉🍷 Club Vino Grande Édition – Weinliebhaber aufgepasst! 🍷🎉
Der Club Vino wächst und lädt euch herzlich am 25. Oktober zu einer ganz besonderen Veranstaltung ein: Die Grande Édition! Freut euch auf über 25 Winzer*innen und ein feines Fest rund um den Wein!
🎶 Feine Housebeats unserer DJs begleiten die Verkostung und laden euch von 18:00 bis 22:00 Uhr zum Unterhalten ein. Danach ziehen die Winzer ihre Weine ein und wir feiern weiter mit einer House-Party der Extraklasse!
Sichert euch jetzt schon eure Tickets hier: Tickets kaufen
✨ STAY TUNED!!! ✨ Wir freuen uns auf einen unvergesslichen Abend mit euch! 🥳🍇

In August it’s that time again – Sommer Zeit Fels – Summer Time Fels -is entering the next round. On the first weekend there will be a great program and our organic wines on tap.
Come along – we look forward to it. More details at: sommerzeitfels2024

Already registered?
A few places are still available – please reserve at office@bioforfriends or by phone at +4365079861817

Wein findet Stadt
Be there – Wine finds town is going into the next round and we’ll be there on June 28th. Let’s meet at Niebelungenplatz in Tulln for a glass of wine from Wagram ?
We look forward to seeing you 🍷😊🍾 and to a beautiful summer evening ☀️

Be there when we serve wine together with bio for friends in Vienna:
Palmenhaus Burggarten
June 6th 12-8 p.m
June 7th 10 a.m. – 8 p.m

Participating for the first time by invitation – an event that has been around for a long time and enjoys many regular visitors.
We are happy to be there.

Wagram an Hof – in der Kellergasse
Where can you get to know the wines better than directly where they are made? On May 4th and 5th, 2024, over 100 winemakers on the Wagram will invite you to their farms, cellars and vineyards to present their best creations, their philosophy and the people who stand behind the products. Tasting, chatting with the winemakers, discussing and making acquaintances. And we are there too: True to its origins in the Kellergasse – come by, taste our wine, enjoy regional delicacies and the unique originality of the Kellergasse together with us. We look forward to your visit and the class of 2023.
More: Home | Weinstraße Wagram (mywagram.at)

VINESSIO – Messe München – we’re there again
Last year we were in Munich for the first time at the Vinessio – a perfectly organized event with lots of great visitors, discussions and tastings. That’s why we’re there again this year at the beginning of March. The VINESSIO in Munich is one of the largest wine fairs in southern Germany. The focus is on national and international quality wines, fine brandies, prosecco, sparkling wine and seccos, delicacies, vinegars and oils, sausage and cheese specialties as well as coffee and roasted products. The trade fair is aimed at private enthusiasts and trade visitors and invites you to taste, compare and buy from the producer. We would be very happy to meet you to taste our wines.
It would really be an opportunity to meet again.
Zenith Culture Hall Saturday, March 2, 2024 from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Sunday, March 3, 2024 from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m
More Information: Vinessio Weinmesse München – Wein- und Delikatessenmesse (weinmesse-muenchen.de)

Stylish wine experience – wine in Mondsee Castle
Tasting, enjoying, (W)shopping: After a 5-year break, the popular wine fair “Wein im Schloss” will finally be held again from March 22nd – 23rd in the historic rooms of Mondsee Castle. Over 600 “fine wines” from around 55 national and international top winemakers as well as culinary taste experiences await you in the magnificent walls. In addition to the large variety of Austrian wines, fine wines from Italy and Slovenia can also be tasted.
Friday March 22, 2024: 4:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. and Saturday March 23, 2024: 2:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m
More information : Wein im Schloss Mondsee