The Grüner Veltliner Alte Rebe is brilliant. It is the best Grüner Veltliner I have ever drunk. Everyone here tells me something about the pepper. OK, I looked for the pepper in most of them, but I didn’t find it. Yours has a “pepper” but that is not what makes the wine. It is so complex that I will probably make it one of my regular wines” Best wishes from Upper Austria.

Such customer feedback is the best recognition for us winemakers, especially when it really comes from the heart.

Grüner Veltliner Alte Rebe 2023 – 13.5% alcohol Wagram DAC Ried Scheiben

GOLD – International Organic Wine Award – 93 points

Lots of fruit reminiscent of a fruit basket, mineral nose, rock flour, flowers, dark bread, as well as attractive tobacco – peppery notes, combines power with elegance, clearly defined varietal character, breed in the finish. A classic for beautiful drinking pleasure with very good length. Aged for 12 months.