Rezept Anefalkensmat

Celeriac and potato soup with thyme with a grilled blue cheese sandwich

Soup 4 servings:

400 g celeriac
200 g potatoes
100 g leek
1 tbsp butter
1 tsp dried thyme,
1,5 l vegetable broth
250 ml full fat whipping cream

Peel and dice celeriac and potatoes into approx. 2×2 cm pieces. Roughly chop the leek and fry in butter in a saucepan until softened. Add celeriac, potatoes and thyme. Pour in the broth and simmer covered for at least 1 hour.  Add the cream and blend the potatoes and celeriac with a hand mixer until smooth. Season with salt. Top the soup with fresh thyme and some olive oil before serving.

Grilled blue cheese sandwich:

4 slices of bread
25 gr cream cheese
50 gr blue cheese

Take 4 slices of bread of your own liking (perfect if you have some bread left over). Spread a thin layer of cream cheese on all four slices and crumble some blue cheese on two of them. Layer them 2 and 2 so you get a sandwich. Fry them in a pan on both sides until they get crispy and have a golden color.

Serve while still hot!

Henriettas comment:
Pair with Blauer vom Löss : The sweetness from the soup and the creamy texture works perfect with the sour cherry and delicate berry aromas in the wine. Together with the salty and umami flavors from the blue cheese the plum notes pair well and create a comforting combination.